Learn how to use Git to control your coding project versions, track changes, and manage your change history. Discover how to host your code projects on GitHub and how to send and receive code to and from GitHub.
Git and GitHub are the best tools to manage code. You can easily note changes and revert back to previous versions. Nowadays, most software companies, professionals, and individuals use Git and GitHub to manage their code and maintain different versions of their applications safely and effectively. You can simply create a coding project on your local computer, add Git to your project, and then commit changes to maintain a history of changes.
Next, you need to create a repository (like a folder on your system) on GitHub. After that, you need to push your code to your GitHub repository. With this repository, you can pull the code to your computer or any other person’s computer using the pull command. If you make further changes, you can either commit those changes to the same branch of the GitHub repository or create a different branch and commit the changes there.
If you don’t want anyone to see your repository, you can make it private either when you create it or afterwards. Then, create SSH keys on your computer and add those keys to your GitHub account. This way, you can send and receive your code to and from your private GitHub repository.
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